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2023/24 Information

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As students leave on a well-deserved Spring Break, I wanted to inform you of changes that will benefit Lawrence Grassi Middle School (LGMS) students next September.


Class Sizes

Based on our projected enrolment and class composition, LGMS will continue to achieve some of the lowest class sizes in the province. Our class sizes from Gr. 4 to 8 are projected to be

French Immersion 

Grade 4 - 20 

Grade 5 -  22   

Grade 5/6 - 22 

Grade 6 - 24 

Grade 7 - 24 

Grade 7/8 - 22     

Grade 8 - 24 


Grade 4 - 19

Grade 5 - 20

Grade 6 - 19

Grade 7 - 24

Grade 8 - 22

Great news for both students and staff!

Lunchroom Supervision Fees

As part of CRPS budgeting process for the 2023/24 school year, the Board of Trustees has advised that it will remove LGMS’ lunchroom supervision fee of $93 beginning September 2023. The decision to remove this fee reflects the government’s six percent increase in based funding to all school authorities for the upcoming school year; a revenue source the board would like to pass on to families.

Student Transportation

On March 14, the province announced that it would lower student walking distances to 1 km and 2 km for students in Kindergarten to Gr. 6 and Gr. 7-12, respectively. This legislative change will mean 25 additional students in Canmore will now qualify for transportation services. Canadian Rockies Public Schools (CRPS) Transportation Department will be advising those families impacted by this change, encouraging them to sign up for student transportation services shortly.

Wrap-Around Services and Learner Supports

Due to the generous donation of the Wim and Nancy Pauw Foundation and an increase in provincial funding, in September, LGMS students will have access to a comprehensive wrap-around service team, which includes learning support teachers, CRPS’ Right from the Start team, an occupational therapist, speech and language pathologist, educational psychologist, divisional psychologist, mental health professional, and wellness and liaison workers. LGMS’ students will also benefit from a dedicated literacy specialist and a half-time Experiential Outdoor Education teacher, and the addition of three new educational assistants, bringing the total to nine in the school. 

Overall, the picture of our 2023/24 school year is bright! LGMS students will be sure to soar with the additional supports being provided.


Kelly Proudfoot

Principal, Lawrence Grassi Middle School

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