Staff Directory

Kelly Proudfoot
Assistant Principal

Danelle Prescesky
Assistant Principal & Learning Support

Tina Blackwell
Grade 5 English

Conner Borle
Grade 7 English & Shop

Kaitlyn Diniro
Grade 5 & 6 French

Kassandra Gamache
Grade 8 French

Layne Hamilton
Grade 7 English & Gym

Michelle Kulmatycky
Grade 8 English

Madison MacBride
Grade 6 English

Anne Murphy
Grade 7 English & Gym

Lisa Murphy
Grade 7 English

Jordan Olsthoorn
Grade 7 French

Michael Philbin
Grade 6 English

Renee Provencher
Grade 7 & 8 French

Courtney Reinhart
Grade 5 English

MJ Santerre
Greade 5 French

Bruno Veilleux
Grade 6 French

Shari Worobey
Grade 8 English
Learning Support

Megan Barnes
Learning Support

Kristi Taylor
Reading Intervention
Educational Assistants

Nicole Amerl
Educational Assistant

Mel Cloutier
Educational Assistant

Alex Harrower
Educational Assistant

Allie McKay
Educational Assistant

Ann Vanier
Educational Assistant

Anita White
Educational Assistant

Penny Wilson
Educational Assistant

Matt Wood
Educational Assistant
Support Staff

Deren Alward
Right From The Start Success Coach

Ashley Butenschon
School and Family Wellness Worker

Lisa Brown
School Counsellor

Ryan Stelter

Alanna McLeod
Library Tech
Housekeeping & Custodians

Edna Montealto

Jo-Anne Wilson
Lunch Supervisors

Cheryl Carrier
Lunch Supervisor

Jilysa Deeves
Lunch Supervisor

Terri Harrison
Lunch Supervisor

Andrew Hore
Lunch Supervisor

Linda Juniper
Lunch Supervisor